GAMA hits high note with show not to be missed

Cast members - and the pig - of GAMA's production of Betty Blue Eyes.Cast members - and the pig - of GAMA's production of Betty Blue Eyes.
Cast members - and the pig - of GAMA's production of Betty Blue Eyes.
Glenrothes Amateur Musical Association's latest production is the Scottish premier of a lesser known musical but one that met with a rapturous reception from the opening night audience.

An uplifting and hilarious, as well as very musical show, Betty Blue Eyes is set in 1947 Yorkshire, and sees the good folk of Shepardsford preparing to celebrate the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten, not easy in a time of austerity.

Some local councillors decide to hold a private function – the show is based on Alan Bennett’s film of the same name – for the town’s elite, secretly rearing a pig, Betty, for the feast.

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From the moment the company bursts onto the stage the audience is in for a treat. Witty lyrics and entertaining music are handled well and Graeme Shield (director), Robert Nee (musical director), Fiona Gallacher Stewart (choreographer) assisted by John Baillie and Robbie King (accompanists) have an obvious passion for the show.

The chemistry between real life couple, Craig and Laura Spence as Gilbert and Joyce Chilvers is central to the show, complemented perfectly by Margo Imrie’s Mother Dear. Alan Woolley, as Dr Swaby richly deserved the ‘boos’ he received!

Special mention must go to the most unusual of stars, Betty the pig! Designed by Hannah Woolley and Elanor Dunn, she is given life by puppeteer, Liz Browne.

Betty Blue Eyes is not to be missed and runs until Saturday in the Rothes Halls.