Taekwondo fundraiser for terminally ill student

The group which took part in the taekwondo self defence seminar.The group which took part in the taekwondo self defence seminar.
The group which took part in the taekwondo self defence seminar.
Two local taekwondo federations joined forces to hold a self defence seminar to raise funds for a student who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

ICON taekwondo and GTF held the event on Sunday at Glenrothes Martial Arts Centre for the individual who wishes not to be named, and who plans to get married to his fiance before he is too poorly to do so.

The instructors Steven Gell, Ross Fisher, Steven Herd and master Allan Cunningham all worked together to put the day together and it proved to be a huge success in every possible way.

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Between the seminar, a Christmas fayre, and a raffle they managed to raise a massive £1215 which will go towards the student’s wedding fund.

ICON Member Emma Strachan said she wanted to pay tribute to everyone who took part on the day.

“We would like to thank every single person who contributed in any way to be able to raise such a fantastic amount,” she said.

“I say this all the time and truly mean it that taekwondo isn't just a sport or a martial art,

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“It's a family, and the taekwondo family really pull together and help each other out in any way they can, we are truly blessed to be part of.

“We had a fantastic turn out at the self defence seminar and all students learned some amazing techniques.

"We are so lucky that Mr Gell and Mr Fisher were willing to share there wealth of knowledge with us.”

She added: “I couldn't let the efforts of the fantastic ICON taekwondo and GTF instructors go unnoticed.”

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