Am Soccer Club - 3-0 Kirkcaldy Ams

AM Soccer Club's goal scorer and man of the match, Callum Houston.AM Soccer Club's goal scorer and man of the match, Callum Houston.
AM Soccer Club's goal scorer and man of the match, Callum Houston.
Kirkcaldy made the trip to Duffus Park for the third time this season, again on cup duty, and AMsoccer were keen to avenge the two previous defeats.

An excellent piece of running from Sean Grant got him beyond his man and into the box and he picked out G Reilly, who sidefooted wide from nine yards. Kirkcaldy were looking to counter with a diagonal ball to release their right sided attacker but Gilfillan snuffed that threat out regularly.

On 30 minutes Houston raced onto a ball in the channel and he cut back for the onrushing Macaulay but two players attempted to attack the ball and a very good chance was lost.

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Kirkcaldy seemed most likely from set plays but AM survived a flurry of free kicks and corners despite good visiting pressure.

Before half time Sean Grant raced onto a clever pass and with the keeper to beat, he blazed over from angle.

AM started the second half on the front foot with Ross Grant going through on goal but being forced wide before Kirkcaldy scrambled clear.

The opener would arrive on 55 minutes when a neat pass by Ross Grant released Houston and the big striker slipped his finish underneath the ‘keeper.

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AM introduced three substitutes and this move would result in taking the game by the scruff of the neck once more.

A second goal arrived as a result of a strong run by S Grant who crossed to substitute Davidson, whose shot was stopped on the line but Grant was on hand to finish the rebound.

Another attack up the left hand side resulted in a cross landing at the feet of 16 year old Ben Davidson who chested down and half volleyed in off the underside of the crossbar.

AMsoccer Club - C Pratt, Wilson, Porteus, Watt, Gilfillan, Brown, Macaulay, R. Grant, G. Reilly, Houston, S. Grant, Subs : K. Pratt, Davidson, Falconer, Sharp.

MOM – Callum Houston.

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