Stalking dad (76) turned daughter's life into a nightmare

William Shepherd.William Shepherd.
William Shepherd.
A 76-year-old Kirkcaldy man, already banned from contacting his wife, has avoided jail after turning his daughter's life into a nightmare.

William Shepherd was made the subject of a 12-month non-harrassment order at Dunfermline Sheriff court yesterday (Thursday) but responded: “Make it 15 months. She’s destroyed my life.”

Shepherd was warned in court last year to stop tormenting his daughter Lesley (46) after a bizarre incident in which he damaged her satellite dish and sent her a ‘R.I.P’ message.

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However, he then bombarded her with letters and packages and was back in the dock under anti-stalking legislation.

The victim was so distressed and worried by his actions that she lost three stones in weight.

Shepherd sent a string of packages and letters to his daughter and in one accused her of being a murderer.

Shepherd, of Cheviot Road, admitted that between October 21 and February 26 at Park Road West, Rosyth, he engaged in a course of conduct which caused Lesley Shepherd fear or alarm by repeatedly sending her letters and parcels.

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His sinister campaign was despite health problems including poor hearing, angina, a quadruple heart by-pass, a hip replacement and mobility problems.

Depute fiscal Alex Piper told the court that Lesley Shepherd has lost weight because of “the fear, anxiety and great distress caused”. She had contacted police numerous times over her father’s actions.

A postcard by him sent to her partner stated: “Lesley Shepherd is psychotic and she takes it off her grandmother’s side.”

Another letter stated: “Reported to the procurator fiscal, Lesley Shepherd and Pamela Shepherd murdered David Shepherd, my son, by not reporting that he had epilepsy to doctors.”

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Further letters made reference to his wife being in a care home and stated: “I did not assault Betsy. My solicitor failed me.”

Solicitor Rachel Aedy said her client was in poor health and the family had been through difficult times including the death of his son 15 years ago.

Her client had initially thought the death was related to his son’s epilepsy and blamed his wife and sister for not telling doctors about the condition.

“His wife is in a care home,” she said. “After an incident related to the first conviction on his record he has not had any contact with her.

“He doesn’t want to have contact with his daughter again.”

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The solicitor said her client had worked at the McIntosh factory in Kirkcaldy for 48 years and was previously of good character until his recent offending.

“It’s a really, really sad set of circumstances,” she added.

Sheriff Richard McFarlane told Shepherd: “We get a feeling it’s a family that has fallen apart because of some sad events.

“However, it’s of concern to me that the course of conduct that brought you before the court last year has continued.

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“With these packages and parcels, I’m not sure what you wanted to achieve. What you achieved is you’ve caused your daughter distress and real upset.”

The sheriff warned Shepherd if he breached the non-harassment order he could face prison.

Shepherd was ordered to pay £500 compensation to his daughter and was formally admonished.

Shepherd previously went to his daughter’s home and damaged her TV satellite dish. He also sent her letter with a picture of a crucifix with ‘R.I.P’ written on it. He sent a similar message to his sister-in-law.

He appeared at court in June last year for these offences and sentenced was deferred for six months for him to be of good behaviour.

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