New charisma masterclass to help young Fifers bag their dream job

Sebastian Wells.Sebastian Wells.
Sebastian Wells.
Classes aim to make a difference when first impressions matter ...

A salesman made redundant at the start of lockdown has started a business that teaches young people the art of charisma with the hope that it will be able to help them get jobs.

Sebastian Walls (26), is not only using his gift of the gab to help teach Fife youngsters find a job, but to also help them with day to day life, and even dating.

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Art of Charisma is the UK's first charisma employability programme to help 16-24-year olds bag the job of their dreams using charisma and likeability.

The programme was developed during lockdown and works with local authorities and employability charities to show young adults that charisma and likeability are their secret weapon when influencing employers.

Sebastian said: “We have teamed up with Fife Voluntary Action and Fife Council to support young people.

"First impressions really matter when going for a job interview, and with the skills that we teach, it can make you stand out from the rest of the pack.

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"If you are up against someone who has similar skills as yourself, charisma can put you in the lead.”

Sebastian said the classes not only help young people but also anyone who may have been recently made redundant.

"They may have taken a hit to their confidence and don’t know where to go from there, “ he said.

"According to studies, the top skill in the workplace in 2020 is persuasion, the ability to get things done. If you are charismatic it is easier to achieve this.

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"When a young person enters the workplace they may sometimes feel doomed. There are a lot of things that they won’t know about – we teach them the techniques to deal with this.

"We teach them how to build up rapport with people and how to use humour and body language to their advantage.”

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