Fife community creates garden space

The community has created a garden space.The community has created a garden space.
The community has created a garden space.
Cellardyke harbour is looking blooming lovely thanks to a combined community effort.

Led by Oor Space, a volunteer-run addiction and mental health group which meets in Anstruther, residents and community groups got together to transform an unloved space between terraced houses overlooking Cellardyke Harbour into a community garden and sitooterie.

Oor Space, East Neuk's Men's Shed, Anstruther Floral Group and harbour residents contributed money, materials and above all energy and imagination to paint the back wall, build benches, tables and planters and plant a wide variety of flowering plants, herbs and vegetables.

They held a small opening tea party last week.

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Oor Space leader Susan Gay said: "We wanted a project which would benefit the community and get our participants out in the open air. This was ideal, and it was wonderful to get so much support from other groups and neighbours.

“The East Neuk Men's Shed have done some amazing things with pallets and found objects, and we're grateful that neighbours have promised to keep an eye on the garden.

“A huge thank you to the landowner Peter Murray for loaning the site for people to use as a safe shared garden."

East Neuk councillor Linda Holt added: "The impetus for this project came from Oor Space volunteers who have really put their backs into it and created something which will give a lot of pleasure to people this summer.

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“Oor Space operates a drop in cafe every Thursday from 6-7.30pm at Anstruther Lower Town Hall, and will open a second afternoon on Mondays at St Monans Town Hall from 4-5.30pm starting on July 12.

"Everyone is welcome. East Neuk Men's Shed is reopening on July 7, 11am-2pm at Coastline Community Church in Pittenweem."

Oor Space aims to provide support for people in the East Neuk with addiction or mental health issues.

As well as running the drop in cafe, it also points users towards other services and support networks that can help, and runs activities such as workshops and classes.

If you would like to learn more about Oor Space and the support services it offers, visit its website –

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