Fife woman relives terrifying attack in court

Dunfermline Sheriff CourtDunfermline Sheriff Court
Dunfermline Sheriff Court
A Fife woman cried in court as she relived a terrifying attack on her by her then partner.

James Farmer or Dalziel (24), of Adamson Avenue, Kirkcaldy, was on trial at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

During the trial guilty pleas were accepted to amended charges.

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Dalziel admitted that on an occasion between April 10, 2011 and April 10, 2012 at Kirkland Drive, Methil, he assaulted his then partner, pinned her down, repeatedly punched her on the head and body, seized her by the hair and pulled it, all to her injury.

He also admitted that on various occasions between March 5 and April 1, 2014, at Kirkland Drive, Methil, he behaved in a threatening or abusive manner by repeatedly shouting and swearing at his then partner, called her derogatory names and threw household items.

His former partner, who is now 21, gave evidence from behind screens.

She told the court she was assaulted in her home when she was 15 after Dalziel became irate as they played an X-box game.

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She said: “He freaked out and started smashing things up. He was shouting and swearing. He’s not a nice person when he goes like that.

“He kicked the TV, kicked the bed and kicked the chinchilla cage. I was scared. I told him to calm down but he said he would do what he wanted. He was like a crazy person.”

The witness said Dalziel began punching her on the head and body while holding her by the hair.

Eventually, an upstairs neighbour heard the commotion and came down to throw Dalziel out of the house.

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“That’s when he started slapping his head off the slabs and was screaming like a monkey,” she went on.

The witness said she suffered a black eye, her hair was pulled out, her lip was burst and she had several other bruises.

She said she did not speak to Dalziel for about five months afterwards but he contacted her on social media and they later resumed their relationship, which finally ended in 2014.

Sheriff Charles MacNair called for reports and Dalziel will be sentenced on March 27.