Fife man fined for threatening former partner

The case called at the Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court annexe.The case called at the Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court annexe.
The case called at the Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court annexe.
Michael Gordon appeared before Sheriff Grant McCulloch at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court.

Gordon (42), of Spynie Place, Dunfermline, admitted that on September 12, 2020 at his home address he behaved in a threatening manner by repeatedly shouting, swearing, uttering threats and making derogatory remarks towards his then partner.

Gordon’s defence agent told the court his client was a first offender and that this was the first mistake he had made.

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He said: “He has no previous convictions and no outstanding cases.”

He went on to say the incident involved an argument with his former partner and that he has since removed himself from the tenancy.

Sheriff McCulloch told the accused: “Whatever the rights and wrongs of how the argument started it developed into you being inappropriate and nasty and this is unacceptable. I will deal with this by way of a fine.”

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He fined Gordon £350 and also issued him with a 12-month non-harassment order preventing him from approaching or contacting his former partner.

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