Sculpting something special in the East Neuk of Fife

Sculptors Claire Jamieson and Jamie Wardley at The Honepot in Crail (all pics by Peter Adamson)Sculptors Claire Jamieson and Jamie Wardley at The Honepot in Crail (all pics by Peter Adamson)
Sculptors Claire Jamieson and Jamie Wardley at The Honepot in Crail (all pics by Peter Adamson)
The annual spectacle of the East Neuk Festival enriched the area with culture.

The festival filled the churches, cafes, and town halls of the Neuk with lovers of classical music.

And as ever, there is a little something special by the talented Sand in your Eye team, who will have created a sand sculpture on Crail High Street.

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Around 20 tonnes of sand were deposited outside venue the Honeypot Tearooms, which was then be painstakingly sculpted and moulded by Claire Jamieson and Jamie Wardley into a huge bust of Franz Schubert, with another sculpting of Thomas Kingo on the reverse.

Previous displays have included a giant Beethoven and a portrait of Schubert on Elie beach.