How Fife foster carers are brightening up life in lockdown

Foster carersFoster carers
Foster carers
Baking, dancing, reading, and making rainbows!

The foster carers have been going the extra mile to make staying at home fun for children in their care.

And their efforts have earned praise from Fife Council.

The carers have been doing everything from crafts to music, from building dens to enjoying movie nights as they look after their young charges.

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Kathy Henwood, head of Fife Council's education and children's services said: Fostering is an amazingly caring occupation and we are seeing this demonstrated even more during this challenging time.

“All our foster carers are going the extra mile to make being at home, fun and safe. Fostering in normal times can be challenging but with everyone at home and all the usual out of school activities on hold, foster carers are digging deep.

"They are using their strengths, resources and expertise to help children and each other. Through sharing on social media, they are keeping one another feeling positive and by embracing new technology they are holding virtual coffee mornings and evenings so everyone can join in at a time that fits around their caring commitments.

“There’s always someone available to offer advice and support, share equipment and make sure all the children have what they need when it is difficult getting out. “

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She added: “I am immensely proud to pay tribute and recognise their hard work. Foster carers are doing an outstanding job and the support they are offering each other is incredible. Without their dedication and commitment, vulnerable children could be at risk of harm.”

She said there was still a need for more people in Fife to step forward and become foster parents.

The Family Placement Team is keen to receive enquiries and is prioritising applications and assessments to make sure they are processed as quickly as possible.

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