Baby of the Week - Hamish Beveridge

Hamish George BeveridgeHamish George Beveridge
Hamish George Beveridge
Meet our Baby of the Week Hamish Beveridge.

Hamish George Beveridge was born on December 6 at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, weighing 7lbs 15oz.

The parent...

Gillian Beveridge.

The pregnancy...

Gillian was in London while she was pregnant and it was during the summers heatwave.

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She felt pretty awful throughout but was very excited to finally meet him.

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What kind of baby is he...

He loves his milk and his sleep and he doesn’t cry often.

The name...

Maybe as Gillian was living in London it seems she kept liking Scottish names, apart from the name George. Her favourite had always been Hamish and she felt George was a lovely middle name.

The proud grandparents...

Hamish’s proud grandparents are Brenda Cameron and Colin and Jennifer Beveridge.

Any thanks you’d like to give...

Gillian would like to thank her own mum Brenda for helping her through her first few weeks of being a mum.

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