Kirkcaldy residents' association delivers lunches during coronavirus

Lizzy Halstead.Lizzy Halstead.
Lizzy Halstead.
Linktown Tenants and Residents Association provides support in the community

The Linktown Tenants and Residents Association is delivering lunches to children and some of the most vulnerable people in the community.

Volunteers have been collecting donations of food to hand out to people who are self-isolating and self-distancing.

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With more shop shelves being left stripped after panic buying, the residents association has been pulling out all the stops to make sure some of the most vulnerable people in the community are not left without during the coronavirus pandemic.

Local businesses and charities have rallied around the group, donating food and essential items to help people who may be facing hardship in these unprecedented times.

Lizzy Halstead, community volunteer, who has been on the frontline delivering supplies to families in Kirkcaldy said: “Yesterday we delivered 70 lunch bags that were given to us from the Cottage Family Centre and today Hot Snacks that are on the prom have donated 120 rolls, bacon, eggs, butter, cheese, black puddings and sausage.

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“I thought, what am I going to do with all this stuff, the Linktown Local shop donated bags so I could bag everything up and deliver it all to people in the community.

“At first we were going to have people come to the Philp Hall to pick up their supplies, but we thought it would be safer to deliver it ourselves as the last thing we want is for crowds of people to turn up and possibly spread the virus.

“When I drop the food parcels off I am keeping a safe distance between myself and the people that I am delivering to, there are a lot of pensioners that we have been delivering to as well since they are self-isolating and cant get out to get their messages, the food parcels we have been delivering should last them a few days.”

Lizzy has also been delivering food to her 82 year old mother, she said: “I visited my mum and she doesn’t quite get it that I can't go in to see her, and that we have to keep our distance to make sure she is safe.

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“Things have went absolutely crazy, maybe if people had listened to the Government about staying in and avoiding people we wouldn’t have all these restrictions in place.

“The messages to our Facebook page is going crazy as well, there are so many people in our community that need help, we are trying to do everything that we can to support these people and families during this crisis.

“If we all work together we can beat this.”