Fife Flyers relaunch supporters club

Members of the now-resurrected Fife Flyers Supporters Club at a dance in Anthony’s Hotel in Kirkcaldy back in 1982.Members of the now-resurrected Fife Flyers Supporters Club at a dance in Anthony’s Hotel in Kirkcaldy back in 1982.
Members of the now-resurrected Fife Flyers Supporters Club at a dance in Anthony’s Hotel in Kirkcaldy back in 1982.
Fife Flyers are to resurrect their official supporters’ club in a move intended to cement ties with their fans during the year of inactivity forced upon them by coronavirus.

The move has come after meetings with the club’s directors, Tom Muir and Jack Wishart, who were aware that bringing back th e club was something that fans were very keen on.

A spokesman for the Official Fife Flyers Supporters’ Club said that although the doors at the Fife Ice Arena had stayed shut, many discussions had taken place during lockdown leading up to the announcement.

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"It has been a quiet few months. M ost people can only think back at memories of being at a Flyers game, but behind the scenes it has been all go,” he said.

"The club directors have still been having weekly meetings with the EIHL and other clubs, and they have been reflecting over the points raised by fans on social media and at last season’s Q&A and putting things in place one step at at a time.

“With that said, the club can now announce the return of the Official Fife Flyers Supporters’ Club.

"In the past, the official supporters’ c lub did some amazing things and raised a great deal of money for the club and different charities across Fife, so this was something the fans were keen to see reinstated, and the directors agreed.”

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Though the team won’t be taking to the ice until 2021 at the earliest, Flyers fans will be able to keep up to date with everything on the fanclub’s Facebook page, and it will also provide details on how to join the relaunched club and of any up and coming events.

Any other questions or queries can be directed by email to [email protected]

The club spokesman added: “The main aim of the new o fficial supporters’ c lub is to get all fans involved together, building our support and using all the different skills in which each fan can offer, bringing better communication links between the supporters’ club and the Flyers and raising money which can be used for the needs of the team.

"We look forward to seeing all of the new members and seeing you all at any meetings – even if it has to be over Zoom.

"Here’s to the future of the club!”