MP welcomes campaign success to block politicians’ pay rise

Neale HanveyNeale Hanvey
Neale Hanvey
Kirkcaldy MP, Neale Hanvey, is celebrating success for his campaign to stop MPs getting a pay rise following the announcement that a planned £3,300 increase has been scrapped.

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) had been expected to recommend a 4.1 percent pay rise for April 2021.

Mr Hanvey called on members of the public to take part in a consultation survey to oppose the move.

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In a social media post seen by nearly 18,000 people, the MP, who spent 25 years in the NHS as a senior nurse, said his priority was “to secure fair deals for low-paid key workers whose heroic efforts have carried us through the Covid crisis”.

IPSA confirmed that the pay rise had been cancelled.

Mr Hanvey MP said: “Thanks to the support of my constituents who took part in the consultation, we were able to put a stop to the ludicrous plans to increase MPs’ salaries.

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