Lockdown delays Fife's mental health strategy until 2021

Mental healthMental health
Mental health
Four-year plan with focus on support

Plans for a mental health strategy for Fife have been outlined - but lockdown has meant it won’t be implemented until next year.

The four-year plan was given the green light at today's meeting of Fife Health and Social Care's Integrated Joint Board.

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It aims to improve mental health care in the region, and was formally approved by the board in February.

Its key commitments were outlined today.

These include prevention and early intervention care, the guarantee of workforce recruitment and retention in the scheme, making care accessible for all and technology enabled care.

A mental health focus group has also been established to increase participation and engagement.

Others include a suicide prevention group and a rebalancing care group to provide alternate care dependent on the individual.

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Patient, carer and third sector representation will be included in the working groups to ensure a wide range of factors are considered in the strategy.

Nicky Connor, director of the partnership said: "There is significant activity underway, but further work is needed.

"This mental health strategy is not just about the services we deliver, it's about supporting mental health and well-being within our population."

Cllr Tim Brett gave the report his support.

He said: "I very much welcome this strategy and I hope that we can get real impetus behind it because it is vital that we do that."

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Due to the coronavirus pandemic, implementation will be delayed by a year.

Approval will be sought in early 2021 after consultation scheduled for December.

> Hannah Brown is the Local Democracy Reporter for Fife & Angus

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