Comment: Sense of urgency over lockdown recovery

Fife Free Press front pageFife Free Press front page
Fife Free Press front page
Creation of cross party task force gives clear focus.

The initial response to the launch of ShopAppy has been very positive.

Kirkcaldy is the first Scottish town to pick up the app.

It is encouraging to see our town picking up new initiatives and leading where others follow.

ShopAppy is one route map out of lockdown.

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As a town – and a town centre – we need many more to ensure Kirkcaldy has the strongest possible chance to return to whatever normal may look like once all restrictions have been lifted.

The full extent of that recovery was clearly laid out at the first council committee meeting to be staged since the pandemic hit the region.

Fife Council’s bill is standing at £30m and still rising.

There are huge unknowns still to factor in as revenue losses continue to mount, and compensation claims from the construction industry – to focus on just two issues – start to arrive.

The creation of a cross party task force will give the recovery effort a clear focus.

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Priorities have to be set out in detail, and a programme of action points published to give people an idea of what will happen, and when. It is a huge piece of work, and one that will encompass every single service run by the local authority.

For it to succeed, it needs the input of every sector across the region too; business, voluntary, and community.

Every effort must be made to ensure no organisation, facility, or even town, falls through the gaps. Everyone will have their own “must save” list, and will be competing for potentially limited resources. Our job is to speak for Kirkcaldy and also ensure that mid-Fife – for so long overlooked when it comes to the bigger picture - is protected as it emerges out of lockdown.

The Lang Toun’s well documented challenges were already a priority before the pandemic struck. The work to tackle them must now begin with even greater urgency.

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While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you. In order for us to continue to provide high quality and trusted local news on this free-to-read site, I am asking you - wherever possible and providing it is safe for you to do so - to also please purchase a copy of our newspapers; the Fife Free Press, Fife Herald, St Andrews Citizen, East Fife Mail and Glenrothes Gazette.

Inevitably falling advertising revenues will start to have an impact on local newspapers and the way we continue to work during this period of uncertainty.

The support of our readers has never been more important as we try to make sure that we keep you connected with your community during this time. But being your eyes and ears comes at a price. We need your support more than ever to buy our newspapers during this crisis.

Our team of trusted reporters are working incredibly hard behind the scenes - from kitchen tables and spare bedrooms - to look at how we can do this, and your continued support of our newspapers across Fife will help to protect their viability in the days and weeks ahead.

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Thank you

Allan Crow, Editor, Fife Free Press

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