North east Fife foodbank issues appeal

Stephen Gethins MP with, from left, Muriel McNaughton and foodbank volunteer Lizzie Myles and foodbank treasurer Grace Wallace.Stephen Gethins MP with, from left, Muriel McNaughton and foodbank volunteer Lizzie Myles and foodbank treasurer Grace Wallace.
Stephen Gethins MP with, from left, Muriel McNaughton and foodbank volunteer Lizzie Myles and foodbank treasurer Grace Wallace.
A north east Fife foodbank has issued an appeal over fears struggling families are reluctant to seek help or unaware of its services.

Volunteers at Taybridgehead Foodbank are calling on people living across the area to get in touch if they know of anyone who would benefit from the service.

The foodbank, which is based in Wormit and has a satellite facility in Tayport, has been helping many families including those left with little cash due to changing financial circumstances and the roll-out of the controversial Universal Credit benefit scheme.

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Foodbank co-ordinator Muriel McNaughton said: “The foodbank is very well-supported and we have been able to help those who come for assistance, but we do fear there are many more who are not making use of the service and possibly suffering in silence.

“We can help anyone living in north Fife including Gauldry, Balmerino, Wormit, Newport, Tayport, Leuchars, Balmullo and Guardbridge, so please get in touch.”

The appeal has received the backing of North East Fife MP Stephen Gethins, who said: “In January this year a report from the Child Poverty Action Group revealed 18 per cent of children in the Taybridgehead were living in poverty so we know help is needed.

“I hope this appeal will help the foodbank link with those individuals and families and ensure everyone gets the support they need.

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“The volunteers do a great job and many local businesses and organisations give generously. It’s also a great resource for sign-posting people to other services.

“We need to ensure that families know help is at hand.”

The East Neuk Foodbank issued a similar appeal a few months ago, concerned that families may feel “too embarrassed” to use the service.

The were also concerns that not as many families were using the foodbank as is the case at other foodbanks across the Kingdom.

To contact the Taybridgehead Foodbank text 07840957039 or visit