Kirkcaldy '˜must see benefit from city deal'

Kirkcaldy must not lose out, says the FSBKirkcaldy must not lose out, says the FSB
Kirkcaldy must not lose out, says the FSB
Kirkcaldy may not be receiving enough benefit from City Region Deal funding packages aimed at Edinburgh, Dundee, and their surrounding areas, according to the Federation of Small Businesses.

The warning follows claims by the Scottish Parliament that there are “significant issues” with Scotland’s City Region Deals.

The City Region Deals are run in partnership between the UK and Scottish Governments, but this week Holyrood’s Deal or No Deal report warned that areas must not lose out against bigger cities.

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Garry Clark, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Development Manager for the East of Scotland, said that deals must deliver for towns like Kirkcaldy.

He said: “We welcome the publication of this report, which notes the concerns we have raised on behalf of local small businesses that the deal must not only deliver for businesses in the capital but also in the likes of Kirkcaldy, Bathgate, Loanhead, Dunbar and Melrose.

“The Scottish Parliament is right to call for more scrutiny to ensure that all of these businesses benefit from economic investment, no matter where they are based in the region.”

Holyrood’s Local Government and Communities Committee has called on governments to work together to maximise the benefits of City Region Deals.

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Convener, Bob Doris MSP, said: “While it’s still very early days in the City Region Deals lifespan, it’s not clear how other towns and the more rural and remote areas of Scotland will benefit from these Deals.

“In order for City Region Deals to be a success, we need clarity on when this initiative will be extended to all. Our Committee will be keeping a close eye to check whether these improvements have been made.”