Multi-use path consultation events

An artist's impression of the core path routeAn artist's impression of the core path route
An artist's impression of the core path route
The first of four local consultation events about the design options for a multi-use path linking Anstruther and Pittenweem start this week.

The project is a community-led initiative supported by Fife Council and Sustrans to encourage active travel, linking the shops, schools and places of interest whilst providing a safe walking, cycling and wheeling route to Waid Academy.

Residents and potential users of the path are invited to events taking place at the Co-op in Anstruther this Wednesday (October 27) from 11am-2pm and Thursday, November 4, from 10.30am-2.30pm and the High Street in Pittenweem on Saturday (October 30) from 10.30am-2.30pm and Saturday, November 6, from 11am-2pm.

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Here they'll be able to ask any questions they have or find out more information about the options for linking the communities with a safe, traffic-free route for all.

The will run until the November 12, for further information and to take part visit