Four people arrested after police recover drugs worth £22,000 in Fife town

Four people have been arrested.Four people have been arrested.
Four people have been arrested.
Police officers from Glenrothes have recovered drugs worth an estimated street value of £22,000.

On Thursday, officers acting under warrant, searched an address in Inveraray Avenue and recovered a quantity of herbal cannabis, worth an estimated street value of more than £18,000.

Three people, two men, aged 42, and one woman, aged 38, have been arrested and charged in connection with the recovery. They were released on an undertaking and will appear at a later date.

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A further recovery was made later the same day when officers stopped a vehicle in Whitworth Road, Glenrothes, and discovered a quantity of herbal cannabis.

It is estimated to be worth around £4000. A 22-year-old man was arrested and charged in connection with the find. He was released on an undertaking and is subject of report to the Procurator Fiscal.

Inspector Kirk Donnelly, responsible for local policing in Glenrothes, said: “There is no place for drug dealing in our society and I would like to reassure the residents of Glenrothes that all information relating to drug dealing activity from the public is constantly reviewed and acted on where evidence permits."

He added: “I would urge anyone who has any suspicions of criminal activity in their area to continue to feed it into police. This can be done by speaking with any police officer or reporting this anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. I would like to extend my thanks to our local community for its continued support in tackling this type of criminality.”