Child rapist Bryan Grimes on sex offenders register for life

Bryan Grimes.Bryan Grimes.
Bryan Grimes.

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A man has today been given an Order for Life Long Restriction for child abuse crimes committed over a 42-year-period.

At the High Court in Glasgow, Bryan Grimes was also placed on the sex offenders register for life and sentenced to six years in prison following his conviction on November 14, 2018.

At a trial in Livingston High Court last year, the 58-year-old was found guilty of nine charges of physical and sexual abuse, including rape, against children.

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The offences were committed in the Anstruther, Methil, Leven, and Cumnock areas between 1975 and 2017. The victims were boys and girls, all under the age of 16.

Grimes was the subject of an investigation by Police Scotland’s National Child Abuse Investigation Unit after officers from the Public Protection Unit in Fife began inquiries into him in October 2017.

Detective Inspector Craig Watson from the National Child Abuse Investigation Unit said: “We welcome the sentencing today of Bryan Grimes who will now face the consequences of his appalling crimes.

“Due to the risk he poses to the public, Grimes received an Order for Life Long Restriction, which means he will only be released at the end of the sentence when authorities are completely satisfied that he is safe to do so.

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“In all cases of child abuse, Police Scotland will always conduct a thorough and robust investigation, no matter how long ago the crimes occurred.

“I’d like to thank the bravery for the victims for firstly coming forward and reporting the actions of Grimes that allowed our investigations, and secondly for their strength and courage throughout the trial process. I hope today’s sentence will allow them to begin to move forward with their lives.”

An National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Scotland spokesperson said: “Grimes’ crimes are those of a ruthless and dangerous predator who targeted vulnerable children and inflicted horrific abuse. Their lives will have been devastated by his sickening actions.

“Sexual abuse is never the fault of the victim and the survivors of Grimes’ abuse have shown enormous bravery in speaking out about what happened to them. We hope they now receive the help and the support they need.

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“NSPCC Scotland works in schools and in the community to prevent abuse, anyone worried about a child can contact our Helpline to report concerns.”

Any adult concerned about the welfare of a child or young person can call the NSPCC helpline for free, 24/7, on 0808 800 5000. Children can call Childline at any time on 0800 1111.

If you have any concerns or information about child abuse then these can be reported to Police Scotland on 101, or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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