Attack victim suffered fractured skull

A man has been warned he could face a jail sentence after his victim sustained a fractured skull in a violent street assault in Kirkcaldy.

Anthony Coull got out of a car and attacked the victim who was left unconscious when paramedics arrived.

Coull (24) of Glenrothes, appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court yesterday (Tuesday) and admitted that on October 31 last year at Hill Street, Kirkcaldy, he assaulted Kevin Crawford, by punching him on the head, knocking him to the ground, causing him to strike his head on the pavement and rendering him unconscious, to his severe injury.

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Depute fiscal Claire Bremner said, “The complainer was walking in Hill Street with some acquaintances. They saw the accused exiting a car and approaching the complainer. He punched him once on the head. The victim fell and hit his head on the pavement and lost consciousness.”

Coull then got back in his car and one of the witnesses took a note of the registration number.

An ambulance arrived and the victim was taken to the Victoria Hospital where he remained for two days. He was found to have a fractured skull and still suffers from hearing loss, added the depute.

Defence solicitor Euan Roy said his client was in full-time employment as a roofer.

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Sheriff Charles MacNair said, “This is a serious offence having regard to the injury suffered by the complainer. You have a bad record of violence going back for many years.”

Sentence was deferred for reports but Coull was warned he could be facing a jail sentence when he returns to court on September 19.