Fantastic Beasts star coming to East Neuk

Kevin Guthrie also starred in Sunshine on Leith. Pic: steven scott taylor.Kevin Guthrie also starred in Sunshine on Leith. Pic: steven scott taylor.
Kevin Guthrie also starred in Sunshine on Leith. Pic: steven scott taylor.
A film star who features in the Fantastic Beasts franchise is coming to the East Neuk to support a fundraising event.

Actor Kevin Guthrie, who stars as Abernathy in the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and upcoming sequel The Crimes of Grindelwald, will be appearing at a fundraiser in Anstruther next month, showing his support for a local organisation.

Arncroach and Carnbee Community Development Trust is hosting the event at Dreel Halls on June 22.

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Kevin, who has ties to the area, and can trace his family’s roots through the East Neuk more than 300 years, will be giving a brief talk about his career, before introducing his latest film, Edie.

The film stars Sheila Hancock as an elderly woman who embarks on a trip to fulfill her longtime dream of climbing a mountain in the Scottish Highlands – a journey during which she meets Kevin’s character.

A general Q&A with the actor, who has also appeared in Dunkirk, Sunset Song, Whisky Galore, and US TV series The Terror, will then follow.

Kevin rose to prominence when he featured in a starring role in 2013 hit Sunshine on Leith, in which he played a soldier recently returned home to Edinburgh from a tour of duty in Afghanistan.