Lochgelly family fundraiser to say thanks for helping save Ava's life

Ava recovers from her transplantAva recovers from her transplant
Ava recovers from her transplant
As brave little Ava Stark from Lochgelly continues to recover in hospital after a stem cell transplant, her grateful family are fundraising to thank the hospitals which cared for her daughter.

Close relatives of Ava, including her gran and uncle, have raised more than £1650 in less than 24 hours for the Sick Kids Hospital in Edinburgh and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Glasgow where Ava (3) had her transplant almost two weeks ago.

They have pledged to shave their heads to look the same as Ava, who is losing her hair following her chemotherapy treatment.

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Ava was diagnosed with inherited bone marrow failure in April. This means her marrow does not produce enough blood cells.

She finally underwent her transplant two weeks ago after an exact match was found following a huge appeal and two previous cancellations.

After a harrowing few days following the operation, the courageous tot is gaining strength and her mischevious and sunny nature is again coming to the fore as she sings along to her favourite songs and plays with her toys.

And her grateful family say they are very thankful for the huge amount of support she has received following her transplant.

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Marie, her devoted mum, said: “Ava is doing great and doctors are pleased. We just need to keep her healthy and infection free and hope the transplant works. The support has been absolutely amazing and we want to thank everyone.”

Marie also thanked those who have donated to the fundraising page so far.

“We set a target of £500, but that was smashed in less than a day,” she added. “We want to buy some gifts for the children on both the wards first of all then, whatever is left over we will split between the hospitals.” To donate visit: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/PrincessAvaPie.

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