Comfortable win for Glens despite signs of complacency

Glens forwards gaining territory against Harris.Glens forwards gaining territory against Harris.
Glens forwards gaining territory against Harris.
Harris 0 Glenrothes 42

The optimism proved well founded as 42 points were scored without reply but the Carleton Parkers left the City of Discovery feeling that they should have racked up even more.

The game got off to a good start with Glenrothes probing their opponents defence culminating in a Cammy Goodall try between the posts. Kain Duguid converted.

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Glens continued to dominate the first half but found it difficult to convert pressure into points.

The second try of the contest followed a penalty in front of the home team’s posts.

Delorey took a tap leading to a Ross Hutchison try, and Duguid added the extra two points.

For the remainder of the first half Glenrothes provided most of the attacking play but could not provide the finish their possession deserved.

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Mr Stephen’s patience wore thin late in the half with a yellow card for a Harris forward who strayed offside at a ruck.

The second half again featured an early Glens try with Hutchison taking a quick penalty and barging through the disorganised Harris defence.

Duguid slotted his third successful conversion of the day.

Glenrothes were quickly back on offence but this ground to a halt with a penalty to Harris and a yellow card for Chris Docherty for ‘striking an opponent’ who was holding him back.

The bonus point try fell to Gavin Emerson and Duguid again scored with a well taken conversion.

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Try number five fell to Willie Maxwell, which his all action second half merited, and Duguid kept up his 100 per cent record with the boot.

By now, injury had reduced Harris to 13 players but Glenrothes continued to huff and puff but failed to capitalise on their numerical advantage as they could have done.

A penalty on the home 22m line led to the sixth try with Delorey’s tap leading to Barry Crookston touching down. Duguid converted to end the scoring.

The bonus point win was expected and this may have led to complacency on the Glens part.

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The Devs teamed up with Waid for a friendly at Fife Southern, losing 41-27.

Next week there are no games for Glenrothes as Scotland face Wales at BT Murrayfield.

League action resumes with a home game against Mackie on March 4.

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