Kirkcaldy family caught in Manchester terror attack

Image the scene last night. Pic copyright: SWNSImage the scene last night. Pic copyright: SWNS
Image the scene last night. Pic copyright: SWNS
A Kirkcaldy man has told of 'the longest four minutes' of his life as he waited to pick up his family as a bomb exploded at the Manchester arena.

Eck Macdonald (32), who lives on the Hollybrae estate, was in his car at the venue waiting to collect his fiancee Emma Christie (30) and their two kids Connan (8) and Rhianna (5) when he heard a bang.

“At first everyone just looked confused and it was only when there was a second explosion that panic broke out and everyone started running.

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“I could see into the building up the stairs and it was just total chaos with people screaming and running down them and children crying.

“I immediately got out the car and started trying to phone Emma, but she wasn’t answering, her phone just kept ringing. I tried about eight times in four minutes and those were the longest four minutes of my life.

“Eventually she answered and she was very upset. I told her to wait where she was around the other side of the building and I ran round and eventually found them.

“I was so relieved and just gave them all a big hug.”

Eck said the family had travelled down by car on Monday and were staying over at the Premiere Inn about 15 minutes from the venue.

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“Connan is a big Ariana Grande fan so we had got tickets for his Christmas,” said Eck.

“I didn’t want to go so I said I would just drop them off, then I went back and just relaxed at the hotel while I waited for them to come out.

“They were at the other side from where the bomb went off, and I am just so glad they were there.

“The kids were watching it on the telly, but I don’t think they really realise what has happened.”

Read more about the family’s story in Thursday’s Press.

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