Driver blocked by escaping cows

Cows walking on the road between Aberdour and Burntisland. (Pic: Jacqueline Davidson)Cows walking on the road between Aberdour and Burntisland. (Pic: Jacqueline Davidson)
Cows walking on the road between Aberdour and Burntisland. (Pic: Jacqueline Davidson)
A Burntisland woman got the shock of her life when cows blocked her morning drive.

Jacqueline Davidson was travelling to work in Aberdour on Friday morning when she came across the animals meandering in the middle of the road.

She said the experience came as a massive surprise.

“I was driving to work, minding my own business, just driving up the hill, and at the corner I just thought to myself ‘what is that ahead of me?’, she explained.

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“I put on full beam and there were a herd of cows running at my car.

“You can imagine the panic that set it. I slammed the breaks on but the cows kept coming.

“It was quite surreal.”

Jacqueline attempted to get past the cows, honking her horn and flashing the lights.

It was only when cars started coming up the other side of the road, though, when the cows decided to start walking back up the farm track.

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Jacqueline suspects the cows might have had festive reasons for using the road.

“I’ve been using this road for 33 years and have never experienced anything like this,” she said. “Maybe they were having an escape attempt – a last bit of Christmas shopping. I don’t know what they were up to.

“It was the shock of my life.”