Cupar Tesco storetakes part in UK'sbiggest food appeal

Tinned foods are particularly neededTinned foods are particularly needed
Tinned foods are particularly needed
Kind-hearted Cuparians are being urged to help stop local people going hungry this summer by donating to the UK's largest food collection.

Tesco’s Neighbourhood Food Collection, which runs from Thursday, June 30, to Saturday July 2, is an initiative run twice annually by the retail giant in conjunction with the Trussell Trust and food redistribution charity FareShare .

Since its launch in 2012, some 30 million meals have been collected.

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In Cupar, 1200 three-day emergency parcels were handed out to people in crisis in the last year alone.

Fiona Findlay, the town’s foodbank manager, said: ‘‘Anyone can find themselves in need of a foodbank. Every week we speak to people who never thought they’d face going hungry, but something unexpected happened, an illness, redundancy or the boiler breaking, and they were thrown into crisis.

“We’re glad we can be here to help, but our work can only continue because of the unfailing generosity of the community.

“We’re honestly overwhelmed by the food, money and time people give. Volunteers in particular are the lifeblood of the work we do in helping stop local families going hungry, and the more volunteers we have at the Neighbourhood Food Collection, the more food we can collect. We’d love it if you could show us your support this summer.”

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Donations can be dropped off at the Tesco store in South Road and certain items are particularly needed, including tinned spaghetti and ravioli; long life fruit juice; tinned potatoes, sweetcorn and peas; coffee, hot chocolate, long life sponge puddings and tinned custard;sugar, jam, UHT milk, tinned meat products; tinned fish; tinned pears and peaches; multi surface cleaner, washing up liquid and washing powder; deodorants, shampoo and feminine hygiene products.