Man in Fife pub racially abused barmaid and brandished bottle

Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court annexeKirkcaldy Sheriff Court annexe
Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court annexe
A sheriff has told a man who brandished a bottle to “manage his anger.”

Jake Stewart admitted acting in a racially aggravated manner, brandishing a bottle at a barmaid and threatening to throw it at her in a Dysart pub.

The 28-year old, of High Street, Dysart appeared before Sheriff Grant McCulloch at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court.

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He admitted that on February 1, 2020, at Baxters, High Street, Dysart, he acted in a racially aggravated manner which caused alarm or distress to a woman working there.

He admitted shouting and swearing at her, uttering racially offensive remarks, brandishing a bottle at her and pursuing her around the premises, repeatedly uttering threats of violence and gesturing as if to throw a bottle at her.

The Procurator Fiscal Depute said: “The accused had been drinking a lot of alcohol, and the complainer did not think he should be served anymore.

"The accused said he heard this, and began shouting at her. He said ‘Polish immigrant get back to your own country’.

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"He continued acting in an aggressive manner before leaving the premises.”

The Procurator Fiscal Depute said Stewart later returned with a bottle raised above his head and said he was going to hit her with it.

His defence agent said: “He was intoxicated at the time and was also taking a substance. He has little recollection of the events which unfolded.

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"He takes responsibility for his actions. He has shown regret and remorse.

"He has a fairly lengthy record for someone his age but he had not been in trouble for a long period of time before this incident.

"He is living with a new partner which has given him some stability in his life. It appears he has learned lessons from this.”

Sheriff McCulloch told Stewart: “You completely and utterly lost the plot. It was bad enough to say all the things you did, but to then go back with a bottle over your head and say you are going to hit her is completely unacceptable.

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"It is not acceptable to treat someone working in a bar like that. You have to learn to manage your anger.”

Sheriff McCulloch ordered Stewart to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work to be completed in 12 months and supervision for 15 months.

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