Jim sweeps up Leslie's top honour

Jim Peebles accepts the award from Fife Provost Jim Leishman.Jim Peebles accepts the award from Fife Provost Jim Leishman.
Jim Peebles accepts the award from Fife Provost Jim Leishman.
For more than a decade and a half, Jim Peebles has been keeping the streets of Leslie clean '“ and now he has given a special thank you.

Last week, Jim (61) an environmental officer for Fife Council, was named the Leslie Citizen of the Year.

He was presented with the award by Provost Jim Leishman, before carrying out his first official duty – switching on the Christmas lights.

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Jim, a resident of Rimbleton, has been sweeping the streets of Leslie since 2002.

He said it was a “surprise” to win the award.

“It’s an honour,” Jim added.

“I just want to thank everyone at Leslie Community Council for putting me forward. I’m very grateful for this and it is nice to be appreciated.”

Leslie Community Council chairman John Wincott said: “Jim is very well known around Leslie as the man who sweeps the streets and so much more.

“He’s out in all weathers, always has a cheery word, and smile, and keeps Leslie looking braw. He’s been seen chipping ice off pavements in the winter, and weeding the cracks in the pavement in summer.

“Jim is a well-known and popular character in Leslie.

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“He initially didn’t want to accept the award saying he was just doing his job, and that is typical of the modest man he is. He goes above and beyond what is required of his role, and is a worthy winner of this year’s award.”

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