Chris overcomes foot injury to grab title

The LLV group cooling off in the sea after the Tour of Fife beach race at St Andrews West Sands.The LLV group cooling off in the sea after the Tour of Fife beach race at St Andrews West Sands.
The LLV group cooling off in the sea after the Tour of Fife beach race at St Andrews West Sands.
The fourth and final of the Skull Mountain Series held in the Falkland Estate came to an exciting conclusion.

With series leader Chris Russell of Leven Las Vegas suffering with a foot injury and second placed David Millar, of Orchil Hill Runners, also in trouble with a chest infection, this left the chance for Falkland Trail Runners’ Tom Ashton to take the series if he had a good run.

Foreboding skies and an oncoming storm brewed against the peaks of East and West Lomond as the 128 runners set off.

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After a mile of wet roads and muddy paths the route headed steeply upwards on forest tracks and both the series main contenders started to make progress through the top ten.

Russell was hurting on the rougher ground as it impacted on his foot.

Millar was struggling to push on as he couldn’t breathe deeply.

Over the top and onto the long steep descents Russell caught up to the leaders but had to back off and be much more circumspect than usual as the track got rougher and slippier.

Millar charged down and made up places.

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With a mile to go Webster had broken away from Ashton and Russell was a further 15 seconds behind.

Millar was now up to fourth place and closing on Russell.

Bouyed by the sight of the finish and on more comfortable ground Russell worked hard and overhauled Ashton for second place.

Webster had ran well throughout and was clear for his first win of the series.

Millar came in a commendable fourth.

That gave Chris Russell the overall series win by around two minutes.

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David Millar held on to second and Tom Ashton claimed third.

At the Tour of Fife Series Akira O’Connor was highest placed LLV overall in sixth.

At the parkruns 19 LLV were involved in St Andrews and Kirkcaldy Iain Wallace and Peter Rieu-Clarke both set personal bests at St Andrews.

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