Here’s is how and why Americans will celebrate Thanksgiving today

Happy Thanksgiving!

Many Americans will have travelled across states to be with their loved ones as they celebrate the American annual holiday.

But why do they celebrate, have they always indulged in pumpkin pie and turkey dinners and will it be different this year? here is what you need to know.

How did Thanksgiving start?

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Thanksgiving originated as a harvest festival, with a huge feast being the centrepiece of celebrations.

The event comes from what the Americans call the ‘First Thanksgiving’, when the pilgrims hosted a celebratory feast after their first successful harvest in 1621.

The Wampanoag, a North American Indian tribe, had called a truce with the pilgrims who had settled on their land in 1620.

The 1621 celebration is believed to be the first shared feast since an end to unrest between the two groups.

What food was typical on Thanksgiving?

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In the early days of Thanksgiving, Americans would spend days praying and feasting on seasonal produce as a means of showing appreciation for military victories, successful harvesting and good health.

However, there was no pumpkin pie at the dinner table in 1621.

Instead it is likely they would have feasted on corn, venison and porridge as this was the most common and abundant harvest and game available.

What food does Thanksgiving dinner consist of today?

Today, Thanksgiving is known for huge turkey dinners with mashed potato, trimmings, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pies for dessert.

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Well-known writer Sarah Josepha Buell Hale - also known as the ‘Godmother of Thanksgiving’ - campaigned to have thanksgiving made into a national day of celebration, and according to Time Magazine, she published recipes of turkey dinners, stuffing and pumpkin pie in the 1800s.