MSP calls for safety probe after Mossmorran flaring

Mossmorran flaring on Tuesday morningMossmorran flaring on Tuesday morning
Mossmorran flaring on Tuesday morning
A second Fife MSP has raised flaring at Mossmorran with Scotland’s environment secretary.

Annabelle Ewing, Mid Scotland and Fife, told Roseanne Cunningham of her constituents’ safety concerns - and the impact the latest flaring had on their lives.

She joins Alex Rowley MSP in raising concerns with the Minister.

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Their actions came after Fife Ethylene Plant flared following a fault in a compressor.

It resulted in its safety systems isolating the machine and routing gas via the flare.

Ms Ewing said: “I made it clear to the Cabinet Secretary, in no uncertain terms that these high level flarings are causing my constituents absolute misery - and they have had enough.”

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She asked Ms Cunningham what discussions she had planned with the Health and Safety Executive “to be assured that the plant is safe” - and called on the body to carry out a full health and safety audit, and to publish its report.

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