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Alison and Toby are hoping people will support their fund-raising ballAlison and Toby are hoping people will support their fund-raising ball
Alison and Toby are hoping people will support their fund-raising ball
The parents of a schoolboy on a '˜magical journey' to fight cancer are hoping to conjure up support for a major fundraising event.

Ten-year-old Toby Etheridge, who lives in Cupar, has been raising funds for the children’s cancer charity CLIC Sargent since he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia shortly before Christmas, 2014.

And now he’s the inspiration behind the biggest fund-raising event to date.

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Called ‘Toby’s 1st Magical Ball’, the event will be held in Cupar’s Corn Exchange on March 5 and includes mouth-watering set menus by the 2014 Masterchef professional champion Jamie Scott, who now owns the Newport Hotel.

Toby, a fan of Jamie, had the chance to do some cooking with his hero at a fund-raising day in St Andrews last year.

As well as the sumptuous menu, the evening will include music until midnight by the Rogue Traders, table magic by Jamie the Jester, a photo booth and a charity raffle and auction.

Money raised will go to CLIC Sargent, which provides clinical, practical, financial and emotional support to help children with cancer and their families to cope,

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Following his diagnosis, Toby set up a Facebook page, Toby’s Magical Journey’ , charting his journey towards being cancer-free.

He returned to St Columba’s Primary School in October, after an absence of 153 days but continues to have chemotherapy at home, with hospital visits every month for check-ups and every three months for chemotherapy in his spine.

However he’s off school at the moment, suffering from a bout of pneumonia.

“He’s really quite poorly just now,” said his mum, Ali.

“But what has amazed me from day one is that no matter how ill he feels he always has a smile on his face. That to me is priceless.

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“I do hope people will come along to the ball as it’s sure to be a fantastic night for a great charity.

“In addition to some top class entertainment, we have some amazing raffle prizes, such as a champagne afternoon tea at Eden Mansions and two flights over Fife.”

Tickets are available from the SNP constituency office in Bonnygate, Cupar.