Plans lodged for new homes in Kinghorn

The proposal is for homes close to Kinghorn Loch (above)The proposal is for homes close to Kinghorn Loch (above)
The proposal is for homes close to Kinghorn Loch (above)
Detailed plans for 133 new houses, included 20 for affordable rent, on land next to Kinghorn Loch, have been lodged with Fife Council's planning department.

Glasgow-based Lovell Homes is proposing the two, three, four and five-bedroomed homes which it hopes to build on a brownfield site at the beauty spot.

Alan Taylor, Lovell’s regional director said: “Our proposals have been developed in consultation with the local community and set out plans for a well-designed development which makes a strong, positive contribution to the area, bringing benefits including new open space and improvements to access roads and footpaths as well as the new homes. Subject to the scheme successfully completing the planning process, we aim to start preparatory work on site later this year.”