Manager of Kirkcaldy restaurant and bar inspires locals with new cookbook

Colin Wallace with his new book The Dining Room At Home. Pic:  Fife Photo Agency.Colin Wallace with his new book The Dining Room At Home. Pic:  Fife Photo Agency.
Colin Wallace with his new book The Dining Room At Home. Pic: Fife Photo Agency.
The manager of a popular Kirkcaldy restaurant and bar has used his love of cooking to inspire customers and friends during lockdown by publishing a new book of recipes.

Colin Wallace, who runs The Dining Room in the town’s York Place, has put pen to paper to bring out ‘The Dining Room At Home’ which features 36 delicious recipes - some are favourites from the restaurant, but most are dishes he has been making at home for years.

He told The Press that he didn’t intend to start writing a book, instead it just happened quite organically.

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Colin said: “It started off as a series of blog posts on social media to try and keep people amused and active during lockdown but then we realised so many people were actually engaging with it and getting involved we decided to take it to the next level.

The Dining Room At Home includes 36 recipes. Pic: Fife Photo AgencyThe Dining Room At Home includes 36 recipes. Pic: Fife Photo Agency
The Dining Room At Home includes 36 recipes. Pic: Fife Photo Agency

“Some of the recipes are favourites from The Dining Room but most are dishes I’ve been making at home for years. There is really something for everyone from cakes and desserts to casseroles and roasts. I didn’t want to write it in any particular order, I prefer it as a book you’d pick up when you really have no idea what to cook for dinner.”

He continued: “I decided to write the book to give all of our loyal customers and friends something fun to focus on during what was a very hard time for so many.

“It also gave me a purpose when work was suddenly taken away. I had two choices when I went into lockdown, I could sit at home and eat and drink myself into a stupor (tempting!) or I could try something a bit healthier that benefited the wider community.

“I chose the latter and here we are.

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“Writing the book saved me during lockdown; physically, emotionally and mentally. So many people started to look forward to the daily updates, I felt like I couldn’t let them down. It gave me a focus and a purpose and I am hugely grateful to everyone for getting on board and enjoying the journey as much as I did. So much so that we’re actually planning another book in the not too distant future!

“It took a month for me to finish the writing, photographs and proofing and another few weeks for Roddy Jobson, one of the Dining Room owners, to finish the artwork. How the book looks is entirely down to him, I think he’s done a cracking job!”

Colin added: “I want people to discover skills they didn’t know they had and above all I want them to enjoy their kitchens.” It is also something I can look back on in years to come and think ‘that’s what I did during lockdown.’

Colin said the team at The dining Room are looking forward to welcoming customers back this Thursday from noon.

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People can buy Colin’s book by calling The Dining Room from Thursday at noon on (01592) 650524.

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