Kirkcaldy town centre brings in expert views

Kirkcaldy town centre  High Street town signsKirkcaldy town centre  High Street town signs
Kirkcaldy town centre High Street town signs
The wraps come off a new bid to kick-start Kirkcaldy town centre’s recovery with a major gathering in town on Friday.

Kirkcaldy’s Evolution is being run by BID company Kirkcaldy4All, and it brings to town some of the biggest names in urban development.

The first event takes place in the Old Kirk, and invites have gone out to all the key players – including politicians and senior council officers – with an interest of transforming the fortunes of ourHigh Street after an alarming number of major closures.

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It also forms part of the Citizens’ Lab, a new online venture by the BID which aims to get the views, and participation, of as many people as possible.

Alan Harris, head of asset management and development at Montagu Evans, will launch Kirkcaldy’s Evolution – he is a specialist in the local authority sector, advising councils and the private sector on evolution and regeneration, and his presence is viewed as something of a coup.

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This week, the initiative won the backing of another big name in retail and town centre regeneration.

Bill Grimsey, former CEO of some of the biggest retailing names including Wickes and Iceland, has been keeping an eye on the town since meeting the BID team last year.

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Bill said: “I met with them at the end of 2018. Their innovative approach is refreshing.

“There’s a need for all towns to develop plans that are business-like and focused on transforming the place into a complete community hub. This needs to incorporate health, housing, arts, education, entertainment, leisure, business and office space, as well as some shops – at the same time as developing a unique selling proposition.”

He pinpointed the impact of the giant holes left behind in the wake of major departures such a Tesco and M&S.

“Kirkcaldy has been hit harder than many – heightened this year by the closure of the only Debenhams in Scotland.

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“That’s leaving some great big holes on what is Scotland’s longest high street – one that has a very proud and successful history. But that is in the past.

“Kirkcaldy4All has accepted that it can’t turn the clock back – and can only look forward.

“The key to success is outstanding, talented and committed leadership bringing all stakeholders, including the community to develop and implement a plan for the town.

“I may not be in Kirkcaldy – not even close by – but I recognise its position and understand its call to action.

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The Kirkcaldy team is looking to attract investors by creating a framework for growth that will shine a light on the town’s many positive assets.

“What they are proposing is bold, but it is the right approach and I’m happy to be providing them with my critique and encouragement in their bid to reshape their town centre.”

The Grimsey endorsement is seen as key in the town’s plans to “shine a light” on Kirkcaldy.

Harry Cormie (left), who chairs Kirkcaldy4All, said: “There’s no doubt that things are starting to happen. Our plans are winning backing from some very influential people – and we’re delighted to have Bill Grimsey’s support.”

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“We very much hope that the collaborative approach being led by Kirkcaldy4All will bring interested parties to the table – to develop our framework for growth – that will help to create a more successful Kirkcaldy.”