Kirkcaldy community group helps the homeless

Denise Smith, Shane Halstead and Lizzy Halstead. Pic: George McLuskie.Denise Smith, Shane Halstead and Lizzy Halstead. Pic: George McLuskie.
Denise Smith, Shane Halstead and Lizzy Halstead. Pic: George McLuskie.
A community group from Kirkcaldy is helping some of Glasgow’s most vulnerable rough sleepers by providing them with sleeping bags.

Linktown Tenants and Residents Association travelled to Glasgow on Tuesday to support homeless people in Scotland’s largest city.

Husband and wife team, Lizzy and Shane Halstead, who are community volunteers, helped homeless people last year by providing them with much needed toiletries and essential items, and are continuing to help this year.

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The group has been helping people in Kirkcaldy for more than 20 years – and is now setting its sights on even bigger community issues across the country.

This year, it has provided more than 30 sleeping bags and ground mats to homeless people which were donated by members of the community.

Lizzy, who was named as the TPAS Tenant Participation Champion 2019 for her outstanding work in the community, has been working tirelessly to help people in dire need.

In December 2018, she and a friend took part in Sleep in the Park in Edinburgh – the world’s biggest sleepout with people braving a night outdoors to raise cash and awareness for the homeless.

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Lizzy said: “My eyes were opened after I took part in Sleep in the Park.

“It was minus seven degrees when we slept in the park but it was worth it because we raised £1500.”

The money raised went towards the creation of the Social Bite Village – an innovative accommodation alternative to the hostels and bed and breakfasts that are prevalent throughout the UK for homeless people.

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Lizzy said: “We visited the village that was built with money that we helped to raise and it has inspired us to do more to help.

“We went to Glasgow to see the extent of the homeless problem first hand; it is really bad.

“We saw grown men and women sleeping in the middle of the street.

“In this day and age no one should be sleeping in the streets.”

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The couple themselves have experienced homlessness in the past and know the strain that it can put on people.

Shane said: “When we were first married we were homeless for six months, we have been there. We were sleeping on other people’s couches because we never had a house.”

Lizzy added: “We were 16 when we first got together and left home. Because we have been in that situation, it motivates us to help others who are homeless with no one to turn to.”