First Minister Nicola Sturgeon sampled on fundraising album for Fife charities

Nicola Sturgeon - sampled for possibly first time on an albumNicola Sturgeon - sampled for possibly first time on an album
Nicola Sturgeon - sampled for possibly first time on an album
Unique claim as musicians collaborate in UK and USA

A new album which features possibly the only song to sample Scotland’s First Minister has been released to raise funds for two frontline Fife charities.

House Music Volume C-19 features big names Scottish and American artists, including the mercurial Roddy Bottum from Faith No More, James Yorkston, and Andy MacFarlane from the Twilight Sad.

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It was put together by producer Michael Brennan of Fife’s Sub Station Studios, whose clients include Primal Scream, Snow Patrol, Mogwai, Idlewild and Faith No More.

Album coverAlbum cover
Album cover

The album listing includes what is believed to be the only sample from Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister, and it went on sale today - with proceeds going to Fife women’s Aid and Frontline Fife which helps the homeless.

Michael said: “Often the assumption is that people support only charities on their own doorstep, especially during times of crisis. We have musicians in America supporting two Fife charities.

: “I was in America about to start work on Faith No More’s US and European tour when it was cancelled because of lockdown. That was quickly followed cancellations of The Jesus and Mary Chain’s UK and European Tour and some special gigs at the Barrowlands for The Twilight Sad.

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“All musicians – no matter how famous - are now at home without high tech production studios and music is stripped back as a result.

“I started my career with a studio in the bedroom of my first flat in Kelty; I’ve come full circle and my studio is now back in my bedroom. But, we’re still fortunate we can work from home, for some lockdown is impossible especially if you’re homeless or trapped in a controlling environment. This is why the MSP Claire Baker and I wanted to help a homeless charity and Fife Women’s Aid.”

The transatlantic link-up will help boost the funds of the organisations which have played key roles before, and throughout the conronavirus pandemic.

Roddy Bottum said: “It’s the marginalised communities that will suffer the most in the face of the virus and this is why we want to help the Fife homeless and Fife Women’s Aid as we move forward towards a better place.

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“Coming together as a community of artists and musicians who have been hit hard to help another marginalized community of homeless who have been hit harder feels like a blessing of an opportunity.”

The album also features a raft of new talent, including Amy Lou, Metatone, Dovv from Oskar Braves, Liquid Rapture Society and The Lockdown Lab.

Added Michael: “As well as supporting these important charities, this album will also give some of the local bands a chance to have a physical release due out after the digital version. Many of them are online only at the moment.”

Kate McCormack, manager, Fife Women’s Aid said: “We are extremely grateful to have received generous donations that have enabled us to make specific changes to benefit those we work with, including connecting our refuges to the internet.

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“This has enabled 41 women and 39 children to connect to the internet, thereby enabling them to maintain contact with family, friends and their community, providing vital respite and a sense of normality during a time of crisis. It has also provided children in refuge much-needed access to their schoolwork during lockdown.”

House Music Volume C-19 is released digitally on Bandcamp by Sub Station Records