Fife's unsung heroes: Zoe Venters

Zoe VentersZoe Venters
Zoe Venters
Zoe is part of an essential team tasked with ensuring public transport runs smoothly.

Fife has many unsung heroes who have gone the extra mile to help others during the coronavirus lockdown. They are working hard behind the scenes to make sure that our buses still run, our prescriptions dispensed, and our services all keep ticking over. They deserve their moment in the spotlight as part of our Big Thank You.

Zoe Venters, East Scotland supervisor at the Kirkcaldy bus station handles all the administration duties in Fife’s bus stations and ensures the smooth running of the bus depots in the Kingdom.

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She said: “I am in charge of all the administration staff in all of the bus stations in Fife, if there are any issues or problems with the day to day operations I’m the person who sorts it out. My team also deals with all of the bus tickets and organises payroll as well.

“Since the start of the lockdown it has been very quiet, there has been a drastic decrease of passengers and the buses have been a lot less busy as a result, the station in Kirkcaldy itself has been really quiet, it’s quite eerie.

“Because of the coronavirus everyone is struggling now, in their personal life and their work life, I feel if we all stick together and work as a team when we do finally get back to normality we will be able to keep going just as we had done before.”

Zoe, although working through the pandemic, has some fears about the coronavirus but doesn’t let it stop her from fulfilling her duties.

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She added: “I have some worries about catching or spreading the virus, but I just get up in the morning and do what needs to be done.

“We all worry, that’s part of life, you can’t let it drag you down, if you were to dwell on it it would drive you crazy, getting up for work everyday keeps me going and keeps me sane.

“I think Scotland, and especially Fife have been fantastic through all this, and Nicola Sturgeon has led us well, she has been brilliant.”

» To nominate someone for our Big Thank You please email [email protected]

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Thank you

Allan Crow, Editor, Fife Free Press

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