Call for locals in Kirkcaldy to take a pride in their town and not spoil beauty spots with litter

Ally Caldicott and volunteers have been doing clean ups at Ravenscraig beach. Pic credit: Fife Photo Agency.Ally Caldicott and volunteers have been doing clean ups at Ravenscraig beach. Pic credit: Fife Photo Agency.
Ally Caldicott and volunteers have been doing clean ups at Ravenscraig beach. Pic credit: Fife Photo Agency.
Locals in Kirkcaldy are being urged to take a pride in their town and stop turning beauty spots into eyesores by littering them with rubbish.

Community activists and groups are calling on locals to either bin their disposable items or take them home with them instead of dropping them at beaches and parks and spoiling the areas.

The increase in dumped rubbish has prompted townsfolk like Ally Caldicott and Jim Taylor to start doing litter clean-ups and encourage others to join them to help keep Kirkcaldy’s beauty spots clean and tidy.

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Ally, who lives near Ravenscraig beach, told the Press the problem seemed to get worse after lockdown restrictions were eased recently.

Ally Caldicott plans to do the beach cleans regularly. Pic: Fife Photo Agency.Ally Caldicott plans to do the beach cleans regularly. Pic: Fife Photo Agency.
Ally Caldicott plans to do the beach cleans regularly. Pic: Fife Photo Agency.

He said: “Through the pandemic it has been a lot better but as soon as the rules were lifted slightly the rubbish came flooding back at Ravenscraig Beach and it was gutting to see.

“I organised a clean-up there recently and myself along with my friends Margie Robertson and Graeme Williamson spent a good few hours on the beach and we came away with six full bags of rubbish.

“I love where I live and it breaks my heart to see somewhere so beautiful being littered with rubbish. There is just simply no need.”

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Ally, who plans to do regular litter clean-ups there, added: “I would ask people to take their rubbish away with them - there are plenty bins throughout the park and close to the beach, there is no excuse. Take more pride in your town.”

His call was echoed by Amby Stanyer-Hunter, who owns the Dance Shack in the Olympia Arcade. He posted about the issue on Facebook. He said: “The beach at Ravenscraig is strewn with litter so here comes the obvious... just take everything you took to the beach or the park home. Keep our beautiful outdoor spaces beautiful.”

Jim Taylor, who is the leader of Lang Toun Joggers, has been encouraging members of the group to pick up any litter they see. He has been doing litter picks at Rabbit Braes and along the footpath from the Spiral Weave to Oswald House. He added: “I had seen a lot of posts on Facebook showing litter left at beauty spots and it annoyed me to see Kirkcaldy treated like that.”

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