Old grenades, bullets and WWII artefacts found during investigation at Fife park

Allotments at Silverburn Park.Allotments at Silverburn Park.
Allotments at Silverburn Park.
An investigation at a local park has been extended, after grenades, bullets and other World War II artefacts were discovered.

The work at the Silverburn Park allotments has been extended until the end of this week, because more items were discovered than originally expected.

The exclusion zone has also been extended to ensure public safety.

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Peter Duncan, allotments officer, said: “We’re sorry for the inconvenience this is causing to the allotments holders and park users during this period. It’s obviously not ideal given the growing season is just around the corner, but our main concern is public safety.

“We’re really hoping that the work will be complete by the end of next week. I’d like to remind the public that the restrictions placed on some parts of the park are for their safety so please adhere to them.”

When the site is fully completed plot holders will contacted and invited back to enjoy their plots.

Councillor Ken Caldwell, convener of the Levenmouth Area Committee, said: “The discovery of further ordnance at Silverburn vindicates our decision to prevent the use of a section of the park.

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“The operators are doing a very thorough job checking for discarded grenades and bullets, ensuring that the park will be safe for future use.

“I am sorry for any disruption that has been caused but I’m sure that everyone understands that public safety is paramount.

“I’d like to thank the council officers, FEAT management board and the Army for their support in this mater.”

The allotments were originally closed after old grenades were found last summer.