Kirkcaldy Muslims to hold peace vigil for New Zealand terror attack

Dr Abdullah Ali and Ishfaq Mohammed of Kirkcaldy Islamic CentreDr Abdullah Ali and Ishfaq Mohammed of Kirkcaldy Islamic Centre
Dr Abdullah Ali and Ishfaq Mohammed of Kirkcaldy Islamic Centre
Kirkcaldy’s Muslim community is urging people of all religions, or none, to join its members in a peaceful, silent vigil this weekend in memory of those killed in the Christchurch terror attack.

The vigil, to unite everyone in condemnation of the 50 murders in the New Zealand city last week, will take place on Saturday from 12-2pm outside the entrance to the Mercat shopping centre in Kirkcaldy’s High Street.

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And members of the Kirkcaldy Islamic Centre in St Mary’s Road, say they are hoping as many people as possible will take the time to join them.

Dr Abdullah Ali, trustee, told the Press: “We are expecting lots of our members will go down on Saturday as well as those from other mosques in Fife, and we would really welcome as many local people as possible to come along and join us.

“We have had a lot of support from our local community and local people have been very angry and upset about what has happened.

“When we heard about this attack in New Zealand we felt like any human being would that it was a terrible atrocity and a very black day for the Muslim community.”

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Ishfaq Mohammed who leads the prayers at the Kirkcaldy Islamic Centre, added: “It was not just a black day for Muslims, but for humanity and for people of any religion. Any kind of extremism or hatred or racism is not tolerable in our society.

“This brought back flashbacks from Manchester and it doesn’t matter who’s doing it, it it totally inhuman.

“According to Islam if you unjustly kill one human being you are killing the whole of humanity.

“There are between 5 and 10,000 Muslims in Fife with two Mosques in Kirkcaldy, two in Glenrothes and one in Dunfermline.

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“We have an average of 80 people every week at our Friday prayers.”

Dr Ali added: “We wanted to do something to show our support for the people of New Zealand and anyone who would like to join us is very welcome.”