Kenneth Jones: Family of missing Glenrothes teenager renew appeal 20 years on from his disappearance

Left, Kenneth Jones as he looked at the time he went missing  in November, 1998 and right, an e-fit of how he might look now.Left, Kenneth Jones as he looked at the time he went missing  in November, 1998 and right, an e-fit of how he might look now.
Left, Kenneth Jones as he looked at the time he went missing in November, 1998 and right, an e-fit of how he might look now.
The memory of missing Fife teenager Kenneth Jones may have faded from the public's gaze in the 20 years since he left his home in Glenrothes in November, 1998, not to be seen again.

Largely forgotten by the public, the daily anguish, however, remains for the family left to continue on with the nightmare full of worry as to their loved one’s whereabouts.

Now the family of Kenneth Jones are renewing their appeal for information in the hope that, after two decades of silence, they might finally get his safe return.

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“We’ve never given up hope despite the length of time Kenneth has now been gone,” May Dodds, the teenager’s aunt, said.

“How could we?

“I’ve looked all over Britain for him, from hostels to homeless charities, from Scotland to London and beyond in the hope someone might have seen Kenneth.

“But there’s been nothing which has been heartbreaking for the family, but we will not give up hope.”

May, who lived just four doors down from her nephew, still vividly remembers the night before Kenneth’s disappearance, a night played over and over in her mind in the ensuing years, in the hope of something remembered that would explain his disappearance.

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“The night before he was all smiles, and happy playing video games with his uncle. There was no suggestion he was in any way troubled, that makes it all the more difficult to fathom.”

And she points to the fact that Kenneth, aged 18 at the time, left home on that early morning of November 3, 1998, lightly dressed and in gym shoes despite the freezing temperatures, which suggests this wasn’t a planned disappearance by him.

“It was so cold that November, I believe it wasn’t planned, I just so wish he hasn’t suffered, that he is somewhere warm and not going hungry.

“Despite the years we live in hope that he’s still alive. We just want to know he is safe and well, hopefully with a family of his own and not suffering at all.”

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Described as white, 6ft 2ins tall with short dark brown hair at the time, he was last seen wearing a black blouson style leather jacket, black jeans and yellow and green trainers.

20 years on and five years after the disappearance of another Glenrothes man, Allan Bryant, who went missing on the same date, which has dominated the media in recent times, the family have now renewed their own call for the public to help.

Working with the Missing People charity, a new e-fit of what Kenneth would look like now has been issued, in the hope of a break through.

“We love him so much and just want to know he’s alright and safe, and we urge him to make contact with us if he happens to be reading this wherever he might be, that would be a relief from the torment and worry we continue to face,” said May.

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If anyone has seen Kenneth, they should contact Missing People anonymously by calling 116 000 or by emailing [email protected] or call the police on 101.

Mum’s heartfelt appeal to her missing son

The family of missing Glenrothes man Kenneth Jones, 18-years old when he went missing on November 3, 1998, have enlisted the help of missing persons charity Missing People to help renew their appeal for information at to his whereabouts.

His mother, Mary Ann Jones, has issued a new message to her son: “I am missing you very much and thinking about you every day.

“I wish you would come home but if you don’t want to contact me, please get in touch with the Missing People charity to let me know you’re okay and please look after yourself.”

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Missing People publicity coordinator Ian Roullier said: “Kenneth, if you are reading this, please call or text us on 116 000. It’s free and confidential and we can’t trace your call.

“We just want to provide you with the support you need and help you to be safe.

“The helpline is here to support people who are missing or thinking of going missing and their loved ones who are left behind.”

If anyone has seen Kenneth, they should contact Missing People anonymously by calling 116 000 or by emailing [email protected] or call the police on 101.