Fife is best place to find love over 40

If you are single and over the age of 40 head to FifeIf you are single and over the age of 40 head to Fife
If you are single and over the age of 40 head to Fife
If you are aged over 40 and single, you would be advised to head to the Kingdom of Fife as it has been revealed as one of the best places to find love.

Fife has secured a place in Scotland’s top five most likely areas to find a partner, according to the findings of a mature dating website.

Fife has secured a place in Scotland’s top five most likely areas to find a partner, according to the findings of a mature dating website.

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The research carried out by found that with a population of 198,575 people over 40 and an estimated 67,856 of those being single, Fife is one of the most likely areas in Britain to find love.

Across the UK, Fife made the list of the top 25 areas with the largest number of singletons over the age of 40. Edinburgh was placed at number 11 and Glasgow at number seven. The research showed that single women over 40 outnumber the Silver Foxes by 20k in Glasgow.

Scotland’s overall top spot is Lanarkshire, with an estimated 117,032 40+ single population.

The website even offers a dating suggestion for Fifers, advising singletons to take a trip to Scotland’s Secret Bunker in Anstruther for a memorable date.

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However, for the best chance of finding love with a man, the website suggests a date in Manchester where there is the most favourable ratio of 40+ single men than any other area.

The research also lists the top five places where people are most unlikely to find love - the areas with the smallest amount of single people over 40. The top area was Clackmannanshire, followed by Corby, Rossendale, the Shetland Islands and Tamworth.