East Neuk Dook raises thousands for charity

The participants braved the freezing water, wind and rain to raise money for charity. (Pic: Tomasz Osobka-Leszczynski)The participants braved the freezing water, wind and rain to raise money for charity. (Pic: Tomasz Osobka-Leszczynski)
The participants braved the freezing water, wind and rain to raise money for charity. (Pic: Tomasz Osobka-Leszczynski)
Is there a better way to celebrate Boxing Day than to jump into the North Sea?

Around 33 brave souls ignored the freezing cold weather to take part in the East Neuk Dook, leaping off Anstruther harbour, and in doing so helped raise over £4500 for Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland.

On top of the bitter cold, rain and strong wind battered the participants.

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Before the event began, RNLI crew Barry Gourlay and Kevin Corps were presented with a bottle of whisky in recognition of the duo taking part in all 15 Dooks that have taken place so far.

Around 33 participants jumped off Anstruther harbour. (Pic: Thomasz Osobka-Leszczynski)Around 33 participants jumped off Anstruther harbour. (Pic: Thomasz Osobka-Leszczynski)
Around 33 participants jumped off Anstruther harbour. (Pic: Thomasz Osobka-Leszczynski)

The 33 participants then took the plunge into the Anstruther waters.

The Bank provided refreshments and shelter, helping them warm up after the Dook.

If you would like to donate, you can do so at uk.virginmoneygiving.com.

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