Dog may be put down after attacking girl

Dundee Sheriff CourtDundee Sheriff Court
Dundee Sheriff Court
A 'dangerously out of control' dog could be put down after it bit a defenceless 10-year-old girl outside a shop.

Bruce Rourke’s collie attacked the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, at a Scotmid store in Castle Street, Tayport.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard the girl was with her mother, who was using an ATM outside the shop.

At the same time Rourke was tying up the dog feet away.

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The animal lunged at the girl before biting her on the body.

She was taken to Dundee’s Ninewells Hospital and given antibiotics as a precaution but suffered no lasting damage.

Rourke (57) of Tayport pleaded guilty on summary complaint to a charge under the Dangerous Dogs Act.

Sheriff Alastair Brown deferred sentence until next month and said he may make an order for the dog to be destroyed.