Aristocrat banned from driving

A German aristocrat has been handed a road ban after he admitted driving a motorised bicycle through the streets of St Andrews while almost three times the drink drive limit.

Florian von Gemmingen-Hornberg - who is listed as a baron on German genealogical websites and whose family history dates back to the middle ages - faced a bizarre charge over an incident in the town on April 9.

Gemmingen-Hornberg, who is studying a Masters in Economics and Philosophy at St Andrews university, admitted driving an “unregistered motor vehicle” - understood to be a bicycle adapted to run with a motor - in the town’s City Road.

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Dundee Sheriff Court heard he had 64 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The limit is 22.

The 20-year-old, of Market Street, St Andrews, pleaded guilty to the charge on summary complaint.

Sheriff Simon Collins QC imposed a fine of £200 and disqualified von Gemmingem-Hornberg from driving for 12 months.