A Kirkcaldy man who exposed his private parts is due to be sentenced next month

Gardner appeared at the Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court annexe before Sheriff Jamie Gilchrist.Gardner appeared at the Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court annexe before Sheriff Jamie Gilchrist.
Gardner appeared at the Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court annexe before Sheriff Jamie Gilchrist.
Robert Gardner, of Hendry Road, admitted intentionally exposing his private parts in a sexual manner to a woman while standing naked outside his front door on September 2 this year.

Gardner (51) appeared before Sheriff Jamie Gilchrist at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court.

He further admitted shouting and making sexually suggestive comments to the woman whilst pointing at his private parts.

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The Procurator Fiscal Depute told the court the accused was shouting at the complainer and making the gestures from outside his home while she was walking down the road to a bus stop.

She said the woman contacted the police who arrested Gardner.

She said: “He was interviewed about the incident and during the interview he stated he had no recollection of anything that had happened and said he had been on the drink.

"When asked if he had anything to say about the matter he said he could only apologise and said he was very sorry for his behaviour and that if there was anything he could do to make it up to her, he would.”

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Gardner’s defence agent told the court: “He does not remember anything about this and the complainer is not known to him. He is extremely apologetic for what happened.”

He said that lockdown had had a significant impact on his mental health and as a result he had been drinking too much alcohol.

Sheriff Gilchrist called for background reports including a Criminal Justice Social Work Report and a Restriction of Liberty Report and deferred sentence on Gardner until November 17 at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court.

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