Cash for Methil and Methilhill community plans

Methilhill (above) and Methil will benefit from the £72000 fundingMethilhill (above) and Methil will benefit from the £72000 funding
Methilhill (above) and Methil will benefit from the £72000 funding
The communities of Methil and Methilhill are to benefit from over £72,000 in funding from the Big Lottery.

The cash, awarded to the Methilhill Community Children’s Initiative (MCCI), will allow the group to take forward key points developed as part of the Methil & Methilhill Community Action Plan 2016-21, which was created as part of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust’s Community Futures Programme.

For over a year, a group of local people representing local groups, organisations, and the general community met monthly, conducted a community questionnaire and held consultation events before launching the Methil/ Methilhill community action plan.

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The plan reflects the wishes of the community; their hopes and aspirations, like and dislikes, and highlights changes that would improve both areas.

Shirley Faichney from MCCI said: “It was a hugely valuable project that saw MCCI staff and volunteers knocking on the doors of local people, having a chat, and finding out such valuable insights into the lives of neighbours who we had never met!

“MCCI always felt that the consultation and action plan was just the first step on a much longer road and so we sought funding to take forward the key points identified, in the Methilhill area, for the next four years with the aim of forming a community council style group to then continue the work.”

She continued: “We will be employing a project worker to co-ordinate the project; to work on floral and growing plans, to develop and host community events, to collate and create a local skills base directory among other things.

“We’re absolutely delighted with the funding award, and very excited to see the impact it could have on Methilhill over the next four years, and then on to the future.”